Saturday, June 4, 2011

Goodbye, New York

So long to New York City
It’s time for me to go
I’ve gotten what I came for
Don’t need u any mo’

Brooklyn, hipsters, cafes, and bars
Grad school, parties, friends
I wouldn’t trade it for the world
But my time here’s at an end

Off to new adventures
The mountains, rivers, bears
I’ll miss the city now and then
But I gotta shift my gears

For I’d rather wander round the globe
Seeing all that I can see
Than let the darkness of the city
Keep its claws on me

And I’d rather crash on couches
And wander empty streets
And camp on hidden riverbeds
With blisters on my feet

I’d rather stay up late at night
To watch the stars that shoot
Than wake up sad and groggy
To make the work commute

I’d rather eat the simple foods
Like cheese and beans and rice
Than dine at fancy diners
And pay a hefty price

I’d rather let my hair grow long
And I’ll grow my beard out too
I’ll let my hands get grubby
And my eyes get black and blue

Goodbye you metal shining beast
And your dirty streets and noise
Goodbye to constant motion
And your pretty prancing boys

Goodbye to New York City
Brooklyn, adieu, adieu
I have to light out on the road
And tromp away from you

Goodbye, New York, farewell, so long
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
You’ve got no tears to spare for me
So neither will I cry

Time to shed my New York self
It's true
And craft a man anew
Taking up a new way
Where it leads I can’t say
But to New York, I say adieu

Saturday, May 28, 2011

want some granola?

oh come munch some granola
w/ me!
it's local, organic
& corn syrup-free!

oh come chew some brownies -
don't pass!
they're baked w/ the good stuff -
some premium grass!

just run ur fingers
thru my long, shaggy hair!
we'll frolic thru meadows
bodies naked & bare!

it's gr8 2 b
the children of earth!
the trees & the flowers
r of infinite worth!

so come munch some granola
w/ me!
it's local, organic,
& corn syrup-free!

so come munch some granola
w/ me!
it's local, organic,
& corn syrup-free!

practice ur yoga
& share peace & love!
spread wings of hope
like a white turtle dove!

bike 2 ur workplace
& compost ur trash!
possessions r worthless,
so trade them for hash!

most vital of all
good vibes must endure!
we're all brothers & sisters
& our kindness is pure!

its the summer time, bb
the summer of bliss!
so grab some1 near by
& give them a kiss!

oh yes come munch some granola
w/ me!
it's local, organic,
& corn syrup-free!

oh come munch some granola
w/ me!
it's local, organic,
& corn syrup-free!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

yall excited 4 the RAPTURE!!!???

we've had some gr8 internet memes so far this year, yall
charlies sheen, rebecca black, donald trump, obama bin laden
in our overpopulated blog/youtube/internet meme economy
seems like a new meme cums & goes evry week
& i can barely keep track of them all
maybe i just don't have enough snark in me
2 become a 'prime-time' 'snarky meme blogger'
but since the rapture is literally 'just around the bend,'
i can't resist throwing in my '2 effing cents' sometimes, living in our godless urban cesspools of art, fashion, culture, and gay sex
it's easy 2 forget that there's 'a whole nother world out there, yall'
in middle america
populated by millions of overweight, unemployed white people [and mexicans]
with nothing better 2 do than watch satellite TV, monday night football, and Jersey Shore;
shop at the local Hot Topic or American Eagle;
eat Taco Bell;
and worship unicorns/the
'BIG GUY IN THE SKY' is it insensitive of the 'elitist, pretentious, educated, secular media sphere'
2 make fun of mnstrm americans snarfing down fast food & worshiping the one and only LORD JESUS CHRIST?
hells yeah it's insensitive!
he's already here, bb!
no wonder this guy thinks it's the end of the world
looks some1 dug him up from the grave & pulled a rake over him!
'it's the end of the world as we know it, yall, but i feel more 'mummy-like' than fine' -Harold Cambell

why hasn't anyone realized that the 'end-of-the-world' gimmick
is just the greatest website advertising meme [via FAMILY RADIO]
of all time?
or was this just some stunt by R.E.M. 2 get youtube hits & try 2 be 'relevant' again?

these people don't look dangerous - - & maybe some miraculous day they actually will die out
& we can snark them left and right, up & down until they do

but they r a real threat to the well-being of democracy & social cooperation among the human race

truth is
religious fundamentalism doesn't help anyone
& only perpetuates social dissent, ignorance, poverty, & h8
they're welcome 2 their rapture
A new pride my ego taught me, and this I teach men: no longer to bury one's head in the sand of heavenly things, but to bear it freely, an earthly head, which creates a meaning for the earth. A new will I teach men: to will this way which man has walked blindly, and to affirm it, and no longer to sneak away from it like the sick and decaying.

keep on dancin til the world ends, yall!!! [damn, brit, ur lookin good, bb!]


10. no more youtube vidoes like this!:

9. all gays can finally get married!
8. in the event of a world-wide earthquake, a great chance to thrash some sick, tsunami-style waVVes!
7. more time 4 blogging!
6. mad max will b there!
6. wont have 2 repay student loans!
6. 200 million less Xtians = more space for pagan sex orgies, yall!
3. can use all the empty churches for acid raves!
2. pigs wearing green boots!
1. more time 2 chill down with my chill, crust-punk dad!

how are u celebrating the RAPTURE?
will u be burning in [hell][heaven][other]?
does brittney spears look 'smokin hot'?
what has been ur fav 'meme of the week' of 2k11?
do u like the SALEM 'dancing 2 the world ends' vid better than brittney's? [s00 dark, yall]
will ben affleck & bruce willis save us? or will elijah wood/lele zeblowski/morgan freeman hussein obama save us?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

is planet earth swirling down the shitter?

there r stretches of time
it seems like we're living
in a magical world
the LORD G-D our savior
showers us with a multitude
of gifts & miracles
ppl like george bush are elected president
ppl like kanye west get 10.0's on p4k
arcade fire wins 'album of the century'
television is filled with programs like
'the american idols,' 'skins,' & 'the jersey shore'
it's fashion week in NY
ur parents just bought you a Vespa/$1000 fixie
u just found a giant bag of weed on the sidewalk
u just got a full-time job
u just got married to some1 u 'rlly <3'
ur having a babie
& will raise him/her in the most
culturally-enriched alternative vegan organic
environment possible

everything just seems 2 'work out'
everything is great

sometimes u <3 luv
effing everything

but sometimes...
planet earth just seems to b swirling down the shitter
& it makes u wonder...
maybe those Mexicans were right
abt the 'end of the world' in 2012

first this happened in some place called 'egypt'

then this happened in some place called 'wisconsin'

then this happened in some place called 'libby-yah'

then this happened in some place called 'the bronx'

then this happened in japan

then this happened in japan

then this happened in japan

then this happened on broadway

then this happened to my face [via bell's palsy]

& just to remind u -
this happened in wisconsin

just doesn't seem like a good time
4 n e of us
maybe the end rlly is nigh
maybe we're doomed
maybe TOMBOY never will come out
maybe this is 'it'
i guess we did 'OK'
i guess we had 'a good run'

but maybe...

w/ a lil <3
and a lil hope
it's not too l8
if charlie can win, so can u
dyin's 4 fools
if we just pull 2gether...
if we just help each other out...
if we take care...
we'll get better
we'll pick ourselves up

we're all in this

is planet earth/human societie 'tots effed'?
does living in a modern societie give us a 'false sense of securitie'?
r u worried 4 japan?
do u care more abt japan than u cared abt india?
have u seen 'spiderman'?
do u think this bro is ok?