_-_-_-_-_-_- can fleet foxes save the world of indie music? does fleet fox's brand of meaningful authentic bro music make u feel 'all good inside'? is robin totes kute? how can i get my beard 2b as scraggly as robins? how can i get my hair 2 b as matted as robins? r u gonna buy this shit on vinyl and cream ur pants 2 it? will fleetfloxblues be better than tomboy????
I am The Bieb I have a lesbian dyke haircut But I am a man I am The Bieb I am The Bieb Effing crushin it w/the ladies Gettin their panties all wet Goin balls deep Sleighing I am The Bieb I am The Bieb Killin it in 3-dimensions Rockin out w/my cock out Throwin down some mad hard vocals Blowin ur world [via orgasms] I am The Bieb I am the Bieb I am mnstrm I am alt I get tats & show off my killer bod @ the beach Look at these rips Mother effers I am The Bieb I am the Bieb I ain't no virgin I am a sex GOD Fingerin bitches on the reg Gettin my 10" tween peen serviced 69+ X daily I am The Bieb I am The Bieb I am a meme A product 4 u 2 consume I am a JPEG & a MP3 I am an effing machine, Matrix-style I am the President of the United States of Tween I am The Bieb I am The Bieb I transcend human existence I will live 4EVAR On your iPod/blog/the Internet I will penetrate ur soul I own u I am The Beib I am The Bieb This is Me 16 Chillin like a baller I am famous I am important I am ur wettest dream I am The Bieb I am The Beib I am - The Beib
nyc u r a pussie when it comes 2 snow snow! don’t u know it’s just snow, that’s all what it does best is fall on the street where earth & sky meet it’ll melt all away just wait 1 effing day jesus, nyc u sure r a pussie haven't u been to chicago? oh no? the winters there are 10X as cold and bare than winters here and yet u begin 2 fear at the slightest sight of a snowflake in flight nyc, ur so effing lame winters here r so tame compared 2 the home where i was grown in the hearty midwest where we have hair on our chest & eat lots of meat while the winter we greet with a roar and a hoot as we tug on our boots 2 roll in the cold whether we're young or we're old but u, nyc ur such a pussie grow a pair of balls while the pretty snow falls on the streets and the roofs on the str8s and the poofs get on the train don't b so G-damn lame ride 2 work don't b a jerk don't cancel school it's just snow, u fool! jesus holy god ur such a nim rod so stop ur complaining it's not entertaining it's just G-damn snow nyc, don't u know? it’ll melt all away just wait 1 effing day jesus, nyc u sure r a pussie when it comes 2 snow snow - snow - snow!!! it's just snow, don't u know _-_-_-_-_-_-_- why can't nyc handle snow? is it b/c there's nowhere for snow to go? or is it b/c ppl r just 'effing pussies'? why is every snow storm in nyc classified an 'OMFG BLIZZZZZARD!!!!' where were u during the BLIZZARD 2k10/2k11/2k12/2k13/2k69/3k42??? is this the most 'authentically meaningful' short film abt sbow u've evr seen???:
Bro Spot is a meaningful blogspot that examines meaningful things in a meaningful way in an attempt to understand the meaningfulness of the human condition.