Sunday, December 12, 2010

sick of being a worthless grad student?

so sick of being a worthless
white person
effing hipster
grad student + intern
few practical skills
thousands of dollars in debt
24 years old
writing history essays
no one will read
doesn't matter
worn out
give up
over it
sick of the pressure
rlly just want to be a boring
8-5 mainstreamer
just want to blog
just want to watch netflix
just want to play X-box
just want to eat TV dinners
just want to read 'the da vinci code'
and 'eat pray love' and 'the secret'
and 'the five bros you meet in heaven'
want to watch 'glee' and 'CSI'
want to order take-out thai
want to drive a hummer
want to have 2.5 kids
that will grow up to resent me
exploit me for money
to live in a trendy, brooklyn-like city
while they go to grad school
to study film, literature, acting
worn out
sick of being a worthless grad student + intern
paying money
to make copies
have people judge my writing
eff it
social life dead
cant find a date
seems like a corrupt system
we all buy into it
'M.A./Ph.D. = social status'
but does any of it matter
does n e one actually 'give a shit'
sort of confused
over it
24 years old
white person
effing hipster
no practical skills
thousands of dollars in debt

at least its winter break soon yalls!

yall tired of being a worthless grad student?
what did u learn in grad school?
did u get to go to school for free, or r u 'effing shit-deep' in debt?
should i get a p h dees?
why does life end after college?
why do ppl go to grad school?
why are jobs so boring?
why are ppl expected to get some 'boring ass job' they don't give an eff about after college?

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