Tuesday, June 22, 2010

evr hopped a train?

Did you ever want to live life free
A life that’s free
From societie

Did you ever want to cast a net
A net that’s not
The Internet

Did you ever feel that you were born
To walk a path
Outside the norm

Dreadlocks, baggy clothes, overgrown nails
I want to tread some
Other trails

I want to shed my mnstrm roots
I want to wear
Some crusty boots

I want to see the other tracks
I want to live
The life that lacks

Material things, and shallow goals
And empty hopes
And pointless roles

The transient life’s the life for me
I have to leave
I have to flee

I want to be from everywhere
I want to be from
Nowhere where

I want to have a sad-looking pooch
To guilt people into
Buying me hooch

But I’m too scared and too caught up
I’m too secure
To leave, disrupt

The web I’m in, it’s all like this:
Education, Expectation, Family, Friends, the stuff my heart
Cannot dismiss

For fear of loss, for fear of fail
For fear it’s just
An empty grail

Without beginning, and without end
Never make
A lasting friend

Never know what’s come before
Never know
What’s next in store

I want to live a humble life
I want to live
A life of strife

I want to win, I want to loose
I want to abstain
I want to booze

Help me help me, transient bros
What life all means
No one knows

Wash your bodies on the beach
Let me know
What you’ve to teach

The wisdom of a vagabond
The sight of ripples
In a pond

Maybe it’s that we’re all the same
Nothing to loose
Nothing to gain

Trainhoppers, businessmen, blacks and whites
Fishermen, librarians,
Days and nights

All of us, all of us, lost in the sea
All you can do
Is be what you be

Maybe someday I’ll hop on a train
Or I’ll stick out my thumb
When caught in the rain

But probly its just a sight in my mind
So much in life
I can’t leave behind

Transient, trainhopper, crusty like bros
Good luck my friends
And as the world goes

You’re held in my heart, I wish you good vibes
Hope y’all catch some
Meaningful rides

r u a 'trainhopper'?
do you h8 'societie'?
do u feel trapped in a 'meangingless,' 'predictable,' and/or 'traditional' lifestyle?
do u shower?
have u ever 'hitched' a ride with an 'axe murderer'?
are 'trainhoppers'/'crusties' the most authentic humans?
are we all the same?

1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely not a trainhopper! I also don't hate society at all. I struggle with existential questions such as "meaningfulness" and shit like that, but that's what anti-anxiety medication is for! I like my lifestyle a lot, I would say, but I've been drinking too much recently and it's been wearing me down. I shower about every other day. I've never hitched a ride with an ax murderer, no...at least, not that I know of. I'm kind of torn when it comes to my opinion on trainhoppers/crusties...on the one hand, it drives me crazy that they always end up being rich kids who are overcompensating for the fact that they come from rich families so therefore feel like they have to "out-punk" everyone before growing out of the lifestyle when they hit their 30s. That, and sometimes they can be complete dicks, but I know some nice crusties too so whatever. I think the most authentic human is probably either a frat dudebro or someone from some indigenous tribe in Asia or Africa or something.
