Jack and Kate and Sawyer
Locke and Hurley and Ben
For the last six years on TV
You’ve been my best of friends
But now your story’s over
You’ve left the TV waves
You’re written deep within my heart
Like your names were in those caves
Don’t know what to do without you
Feel both happy, sad, and bored
I know Christian said to ‘let go’
But so far it’s been hard

So the Island world was real – okay
And the ‘Sideways world’ was ‘fake’
And Sawyer got back with Juliet
And Jack wound up with Kate
I’d cried so much throughout ‘The End’
My wits were made all blurry
But now I’ve thought it over –
What was such the hurry?
Feel cheated by the ‘Sideways’ thing
Another ‘long con,’ I’m no fool
But in pulling one on your loving fans
You broke the golden rule

Character-wise, it was prob’ly right
But overall, probs wrong
How could you expect us to invest our hearts
In a ‘fake’ world for so long?
And what about the unsolved ‘Q’s
So important to the plot?
Walt and babies and Tawaret?
Did you think that I forgot?

It’s important to keep some mysteries living
So we still have some things to discuss
But without solving things on which the plot relied
You sabotaged my trust
Anyway, what’s done is done
And I still think it was worth the tears
The frustration and the waiting
Throughout the last six years
I think I first fell in <3 with u
When Locke dug up the hatch
Or when Jin, and Sawyer and Michael
Set off on the rescue raft
Or when Locke found out that he could walk
When Hurley found the van
When Desmond called up Penny
When Charlie held up his hand

On Jin and Sun I was never big
But when they died, I cried
They’d found redemption and true love
Things we all hope to find
Sayid and Shannon always sucked
But Boone, u were so hot
Juliet was a fabulous actress
Claire was obviously not

The first season is still probably the best
The fourth was the most consistently good
The sixth season was shaky
The third puts me in the worst mood
The flashforwards really worked for me
The freighter folks were lame
Time travel was at least ‘interesting’
Nikki, Paulo, and Zoe were a shame

Don’t get me started on Jacob and MIB
Or the light they called the ‘Source’
But what a bunch of bullshit
Worse than Kate’s stupid horse
But remember when Locke saw Walt?
When Eko faced off with Smokey?
When Claire gave birth to Aaron?
The cabin that was spooky?

So much wonder! So much thrill!
What a blast of fun!
This is one amazing story
I never wanted done!
Lost I <3 and h8 u
You were down and up and down
And up and down and up again
You jerked my heart around

You inspired me as a writer
Can’t wait to show u to my kids
And share the frustration throughout the show
And unearth the joys it hid
Jack and Kate and Sawyer
And Locke and Hurley and Ben
And Juliet and Boone and Desmond
You’ll always be my friends

Oh Lost I <3 I <3 u!
Thanks for all you gave
Although network TV there was probably no hope
For even you to save
Goodbye Jack, and goodbye Lost
Good luck as you ‘move on’
It’s time for me to ‘let go’ now
It’s time for u to flow now
Into the light
So shinning white
Into the great beyond

did you watch lost?
do you have 'post-LOST distress syndrome'?
when did u stop watching lost?
who was ur fav character?
what was ur fav season?
is lost only for 'effing retards'?
do u even watch TV?
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