Sunday, August 22, 2010

have u evr lived in a huge effing white house?

this is a white house
for a white bro
this is my house
it is a chill house

this is my chill kitchen
where i make chill meals
and bake tasty treats
like veggie burgers
and brownies

i have a big living room
where i bro down w/my bros
memorable white people dinner parties
& meaningful utube sessions

sometimes we vibe down
on the front porch
sunday morning veggie scramble brunch
sans-high fructose corn syrup catsup
mid-afternoon organic free-trade coffee breaks

upstairs there’s my bedroom
killer views from all the windows
and a chill couch
watchin movies on my laptop
post-apocalyptic denzel washington
timothy treadwell grizzly man style

i have a big basement too
full of lots of chill-ass old shit
weird alien psycho-magnetic torture instruments
& ghosts

overall, my white house
has been a chill white person place to live
its my castle of good vibes
between the mountains and the sea
and a good place to pick
salmon berries

summer’s almost over, tho
all my bros r gone
don’t have much 2 do n e more
cept sit o my ass
watchin 1980s VHS tapes
eating triscuits & cheetos
slamin down some ranier,
nectar of the p bar gods

gotta pack my bags now
stuffed with chill White E merch
gonna hit the road
for an authentic alaskan wilderness adventure
no1 has evr done b4

gonna miss u, white house
u r a chill house
4 chill bros
I will miss ur creaks and leaky faucets
& ur chill-ass bathroom wallpaper

ill always remember
running around inside of u
bare ass naked
throwin shit down your staircase
listening to your awesome-ass
portable radio

white house
chill house
bro house –
ur in my <3, house house
just chillin down 2 some chill vibes
in little sitkatown
<3 u
<3 u
<3 u

have yall ever lived/broed down in the white house?
have yall ever lived in a national historic landmark?
is my house the chillest house?
what was ur favorite partie @ the white house?
is creed the gr8est band of all time?
r u hot, wet, drippin w/sweat?
when was the last time u faced your fear?
do u prefer rock brownies, or brownie batter sludge drink?
what is ur favorite VHS tape to watch?
do u like ur veggie burgers with or w/o buns?
do u like ur catsup with or w/o high fructose corn syrup?
have u ever seen a ghost in my house?
is ranier better than PBR/miller high lifes?
is denzel washington the gr8st actor of all black people?
is the white house the broest place to bro of all brotime?
will u miss my house?
did I actually live in this house?
was this a dream?


  1. just a bro sitting on a soft couch in florida wearing a sitka basketball tank reminiscing on some chill times in a chill white house

  2. whoa,doublerainbowalltheway,ohmaaaa-aan...another slam dunk, dear friend. you brought tears to mine eyes from the ole laughter remedy. Have a wonderful, unique, authentic wilderness adventure. Love you!!! Your future Virginal Mary-ta
