r u friend or r u foe alls i want is a chill ass bro
the ocean is big the ocean is deep i just want a bro whose trust i can keep
someone 2 laugh/w someone to play doesnt matter if ur queer or gay
we're all mostly lonely but dont have 2 b ill give u my <3 if ur just bros w/me
we'll chill on the wavves just scratchin our bellies & light up a j that gives us the sillies
alls i ask is u dont turn ur back dont make funnie faces or start talkin smack
i <3 u, my bro when you're dry or ur wet im chill & im loyal on that u can bet
r u my friend too? pls dont b my foe we're in this 2gether in this sea full of bros
_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ r sea otters 'kute as shit'? hav u ever fought w/ur bro? what was the fight abt? did u get ovr it and ride some chill wavves? whats ur favorite thing to do w/ur bro?
cant wait so pumped abt to cream my pants bout the new james cameron 3D film 'the facial network' staring that chill bro from 'the squid, the whale, the dysfunctional parents, and the angsty tween' as Mark Zuckyburgs founder of the INTERNET no more need for landline phones hand-written letters face-2-face conversation just gonna sit in my room & update my status with quirky movie quotes how 'crunk' i got last nite or how much i <3 twilight/glee/star wars/harry twatter thank u mark zuckyburgers 4 making human interaction irrelevant u r a genius punk so c00l s0 chill wonder if i should make my profile pic the movie poster 4 'the facejob network' not 2 b 'meta' or 'ironic' just 2 show marky mark how much i <3 him how much i use his website to stalk ex gf's/bf's/random ppl i'm obsessed with u r so kute, mark wish i could have met u in college instead of ur fugly ass sister im w/u all the way, bro screw humanity we will transcend mnstream earth-bound existence we will transform from beings of blood and flesh to bundles of JPEG digital pixels 1 little picture representing my personal brand shows how unique & authentic i am compared to the rest of mnstrm societie 'networking' 'love' 'connections' 'stalking' this is what life is all abt but no1 knew this b4 u, mark u went to Harvard surpassed us all u live on the internet sort of like Jesusbro/ghosts who exist in the air never rlly seen, but always 'there' permeating, infiltrating, penetrating everything we do gonna bring my MacBook Pro/iPad/iPhone 4G/droid/starbucks 2 the movie premiere gonna sit by 'myself' but will frequently update my status/profile w/relevant dialogue/quotes & webcam shots of myself so all my 'friends' will know where i am and we will be 'connected' [via the face] <3 u, mark hear u've already been nominated for an academy award which is more nominations than myspace/twitter ever got even tho ur film just looks like a rip-off/girl talk mashup of other shittie movies st. elmo's fire + dead poetbros society + a beautiful bro's mind u will win my fav movie of all time <3 u mark keep it facial _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ is 'the facial network' the gr8est movie evr? is mark zuckyburgs the new justin timberlake? would u bang mark for $______? whats ur favorite fb ap? will fb/mark zucky b 'relevant 4evar'? should i deactivate my fb account? are you actually 'friends' w/anyone n e more? which fb profile pic best represents ur personal brand? were u on fb when it was still 'underground'? is the internets causing societie 2 become illiterate, socially incompetent, shallow, hollow, empty, & detached from realitie?
what r u twin shadow where r u twin shadbro o who r u queer shadshow saw u on u t00b bought a tix to ur show @@@ le poisson rouge so pumped so chilled an obscure chillwave band @@@ a relevant alt venue under the streets of nyu the altiest of alt universities but i got there too l8 or u went on too early 7PM??? christ, who the hell r u playing for? oh i see 18 and up oh how r u twin shadow when r u playin twin shadbro r u queer or ghey queer shadshow as i walked down the stairs we made eye contact & b4 i recognized u from the internet i saw in ur eyes a burning fire - u were ready to fcuk fcuk away your loneliness anxiety fear brought on by the burden of emerging as the only relevant buzzband of 2k10 the future of chillwavves resting on ur hot ass Dominican shoulders and your hot ass porn star 'stache what r u twin shadow r human or just meme twin shadbro r u in pain queer shadshow saw u outside the club cramming ur gear into the back of a grandpabro car u had to drive urself 2 the concert? damn, bro starting to wonder if ur actually legit or just so altesquely vintage u exist in a sphere of authenticity not even most worthless 20-smethngs wllmsbrg inhabitants can comprehend twin shads, twin bros queer shads, hurt shads i just want u 2 b happy but im worried abt u [via 'the state of modern music'] used to seem music was abt music, bro and musician bros were primarily down 'to jam chill vibes' now its abt a packaged image quirky JPEG iTunes album art cover flow 8.6+ p4k scores & even tho u sell urself as a bro who's 'dwn2fcuk' ur probs just as sad, lonely, insecure as 'the rest of us' twin shadow twin shadbro how i <3 u queer shadshow i think u r chill so keep it reals, yo don't let me down just keep it slow u have a talent real real big talent thanks
<3 u twin shads
_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ have u heard of twin shadow? r u queer for twin shadbro? have u ever been in a porn? do u like muscle cars? has an indie buzzband singer ever 'eyefcked u' in a stairway/on stage? is george the chillest/altest bro on Planet Alt? is this music 'good', or just 'trivial forgettable bllsht?' do ppl actually listen 2 music they like, or just what p4k tells them 2 like?
crusty crust punk dirty crust punk you really really smell you are scummy and you're dirty and your armpits smell like hell
dirty crust punk o smelly crust punk you are grimy and you're dank you have dirt behind your ears and your feet smell really rank
scummy crust kid yucky crust kid wont you please come with me i will wash you and i will bathe you so you wont stink like pee
mr. crusty o crusty crusty let me please trim your beard i will scrub your face and i will comb your hair you have nothing to fear
o smelly crust head scuzzy crust head wont you please take my hand i want to show you what life is like in a clean and cleanly land
little crusty friendly crusty i think im truly in love with you but what's lurking in your overalls not sure if I want an STD too
crusty crust punk dirty crust punk i dont really want you to change i like your sweaty smell i like your grimy nails i like that you are kinda strange
im just so comfortable in my lifestyle that you seem like such a risk what is life like on the other side wont all my friends say tisk-tisk
it's a crazy crazy world filled with many different bros but we're mostly all the same feeling lost and just confused
but mr. crusty friendly crusty don't you think we can be friends i know i'm girly and pretentious but i'm loyal to the end
i will share my thoughts you will share yours too and we'll learn quite a lot though we're different and we're strangers a different species we are not
so crusty crust punk handsome crust punk we know you really really smell but you're my buddy you're my special friend you're so funny we'll bro down until the end until the freezing over of hell _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ r u a crusty, crusty crustpunk? crusty, crustpunk, trainhopper, or gutter punk? r u repulsed by crusties, or sorta intrigued by the 'subculture'? r crusties the most 'authentic' subculture, or are they just an uber-dirty form of 'hipster'? have u ever fallen in love w/a crusty/someone from a different social/cultural background? have u ever gotten a STD? do u wear deodorant? shot up any chill black tar heroin l8ly? r all crusties just rich white kids turning their back on their wealthy parents? r some crusties really poor? have u ever 'lived in a squat'? is this cartoon 'funny'/'sorta funny'/'true but not funny'/'poorly drawn'/'retarded'? r we really all so different?
Fog Boat A deer Chewing lichen On the shore Of Silver Bay We pose at the trailhead For a picture And set Into the wild
Bear shit Rain Lunch on a fallen log Across Salmon Creek Now we’re in a field Grass and wet and mud Can’t find the right trail Fuck
Muck Mud Water dumping down the rocks Is this the right trail Should we turn around Hunger Dizziness Confusion Defeat
Turn around Mother Nature Is indifferent To your arrogant white ass
Salmon Lake Cabin 3 hunters from Queens Offer us shelter Pasta with meat sauce Exhaustion Wet Should we try again tomorrow This is a test This is a test DAY 2
Men boil water At 5 A.M. Shoulder their rifles Then tramp out the door Through the trees Up the mountain To the mists
Wake On our backs On a wooden plank And I ask What are we going to do
New day New hope Try it again The grass and the marsh One more time We’ll find the right trail To the cabin
The field Damp grass Sun shines Mists rise Blaze through the swamp Has the map betrayed us Has the compass betrayed us Have we betrayed ourselves With our doubting nature And lust for reason
The trail This has to be the trail The one we started up yesterday But seemed to turn in the wrong direction Along a stream Not on the map We’ll follow it for an hour Marching up And see where it leads And up Bumbling into the unknown
Up! Up through the muck and the trees Fallen logs Mushrooms and ferns Our boots thick with mud Up! Into the heart Of the final frontier The great void All of this that’s here When we Are not Up! Brows dripping with sweat Beards damp with dew Silent As the fear Of hunters And bears Hunters And bears Fades And our uncertain doom Swallows us whole
Down The trail turns down Down down down The rush of waterfalls Winding further down The mossy mountain ridge
The lake The lake Mountains And the lake A flat trail And a cabin With bunks
Wind howls On the open water Foggy clouds Swirl Above the trees We build a fire And I stand barefoot On the shore of The lake By the cabin
The outdoors is Cold Indifferent To our presence But we Are here We Perservere In the Alaskan Frontier And the trees And the mountains The mists And the water DAY 3
Pit Pat Rain on the roof Rise In the dark Stiff socks Soaked boots The fire Is out
Down To the water With the pot Pancake mix In the dark A new day Though the fire Is out
Hike Through the woods By the river Dwarfed by trees Flourishing green Devils club Membranes Jutting up To the light And dew Gathered in mushroom bells Time is gone From this world Swallowed In a dream
Bail water From the boat And row across the river To slink and slurk The water shore
Fallen logs Cracked bark Consumed in blankets Of moss Leaves Playing in the wind Like piano keys Water Lapping On the rocks And the constant Thrush Of a far-off lost Waterfall Singing Through the mountain ridges
A rope Leads into the forest To a wooden table And a field Of trampled ferns Crisscrossed by orange tape Other men Have been here too Long ago But for what purpose We’ll never know As our presence Will soon fade Just as well For Nature Has no memory For there is no memory Without Time
Ghostly mist Crawls up the river We sup at camp Then nap And later Row into the lake Patches of cloud part Sunbeams Shoot Through the sky Eagles chatter A hummingbird Buzzes by And fish leap and splash In a place Meant for poetry
Darkness Closing in New fire Crinkling and crackling And spitting In the pit We linger On the shore The lake Still The mountains Blue Lone soldiers Painted Against the landscape Immense Thinking Of thousands of other lakes Just like ours Unseen But there Out there In the Dreamscape Water Stones And trees All far beyond Our feeble reach
Embers crackle In the fire Crinkle and crackle Drawing our wide gaze Caressing Our cheeks Caked with grease And grime Whiskey Warms our belly
And the trees The trees and the forest As darkness Descends They are gone From our sight But still there DAY 4
The sun Sunlight The sun and blue skies Boil water on the beach Oatmeal Coffee The sun Pebbles between my toes And filth In my fingernails And the sky Is blue And the lake Is still And the sun And the sun And the sun
Crash Crunch Water splash In the thicket A bear? Hey bear Beware You bear And leave us Alone
Crash Splash And crunch and kerplunk Hey bear You stay there And leave us Alone
The sun Blue skies Wind roars Cross the lake Fluttering The pages Of my journal Like ashes flutter The wind Wave crests And the river The lap And the slap And the slaughter
Riverwalk A rest on a log Moss moist On our butts The trickle Clear glacier Melted and drained Flowing down and away Like blood From a vein
A swim Dive into the water Where the lake meets the river Warm and cold mixing On my bare naked flesh Sunshine glinting In sparks and sparkles On the vast inky deep
Riverwalk Dinner Fire Then a row To the depths Lost in time Mountains Giants rising Rowing Two specks In a sea In a dream Flowing And growing Below the mists
Oars creak All around There’s Eternity And Imensity A void And an answer After the end And before the beginning The land with no Time No mind But a beating organism Wrapped up as one Exploding Still Forever And on
Fire crackles Smoke billows And the embers glow As we wait For the stars DAY 5
Goodbye Goodbye, Redoubt Lake Cabin Misty mountains Goodbye to the stillness And density Of your serenity We linger on the shore And say Goodbye to you And farewell And shoulder our packs And tromp into the woods
The trail Now a familiar route Laced with the melancholy Of our departure Every step we take A step back into Time And the daily Machinations Of our trivial lives
Goodbye, Redoubt Lake But you are here In my heart Growing and growing
We rest at the old spots The grass marsh Now empty of fear and doubt The log and the river Goodbye Salmon Lake The cabin empty Of hunters Now ghosts Among ghosts Sit on the dock An eagle swoops It’s time to go Time to go So goodbye
Silver Bay The boat Goodbye Then town Comes into view The sun in the sky And I cock back my head To breathe in the air It flows through my hair And the dock And the land And it’s now A goodbye
So goodbye Redoubt Lake So long and adieu To the woods And farewell
We’re gone from your sight But still under your spell And so long Misty mountains And goodbye Little cabin Farewell
Bro Spot is a meaningful blogspot that examines meaningful things in a meaningful way in an attempt to understand the meaningfulness of the human condition.