Wednesday, June 23, 2010

where is 'afghanistan'?

A while ago I sat with a man on a bench
A friend of a friend, a few years older
A white man
An educated, college graduate
And a soldier
Who was living with his family in New York
Until shipping back to serve
In Afghanistan

He was a normal-looking bro
Glasses, jeans, a tee shirt
Forgettable, really
Don’t remember his name
Said he’d likely see combat
Who’s the bad guy? I asked
No idea, he replied

Our country is in a war
People are dying
Bros just like u and me
Bros who just want to chill down with
Other bros
Drinkin some beer, workin on a car
Getting a tug job from some drunk grl
Buying Mom some groceries
Taking the kids to the batting cages
Hitting the driving range with Dad
Kissing the wife

Bros who want to watch NASCAR
Bros who want to play video games
Bros who want to get off to Internet porn
Bros who want to laugh
Bros who want to feel
Bros who want to make a difference
Bros who want to protect their country
Bros who want to make their family proud
Bros who want to live
Bros who just want to dance

Barry Obama, what the eff is going on?

Who started this war?
Where is Afghanistan?
How long has this been going on?
Why does nobody know what the eff is happening?

Why did this happen?
Why did this happen?

Why did this happen?

Maybe Obama should hire Sean Penn to fix everything
Seems like he did a pretty good job fixing Homophobia/Katrina/Haiti

So confused
Don’t know what to do
Still ‘wasting’ my life away in college
Getting over-educated
Living a trendy alternative lifestyle
Getting wasted and going into debt
All the whiles

Bros are shooting guns
Bros are dying
And almost everyone in America
Seems to have forgotten

War is just a movie to us
With special effects and good acting
Directed by James Cameron’s ‘hot ass’ ex-wife

Just wish I knew what was going on
But maybe no New York Times article/Rolling Stone article/Oscar-winning movie/blog
Can ever really ‘explain’

Just wish I knew who the ‘bad guys’ are
Just wish I knew who to blame
Just wish I knew who to h8
Just wish I didn’t feel so powerless
Just wish bros wouldn’t have to die for nothing
Just wish everyone in the world could chill down to some chill tunes
Just wish Barry Obama would actually start ‘doing something’

Guess I’ll just go watch the Brorld Cup


Where is Afghanistan?
Have you ever been in a war?
Is Barry Obama ‘doing anything’?
Is ‘terrorism’ real?
Is Sean Penn the 2nd cumming of Christ?
Are ‘we’ the ‘bad guys’?
Did George W. Bushes cause 9/11?
What’s your favorite ‘war movie’?
Would you bang Kathryn Bigel-ho?
Was ‘Avatar’ better than ‘The Hurt Locker’?
Have you ever made a homoerotic youtube video w/your closest bros?
Do you wish Harrison Ford/Chill Bill Pullman was still President? [via Air Force One/Independence Days]

1 comment:

  1. Afghanistan is in Asia, duh! I've never been in a war. I suppose Barack Obama is doing all that he can, but he's obviously going to realize pretty soon here that victory in Afghanistan is impossible. I don't know what you mean by asking is terrorism "real". Haha the Sean Penn thing was funny. I think the war in Afghanistan is beyond good or evil as far as naming which side exactly is "the bad guy". I suppose in a way George W. Bush could be blamed for 9/11 happening, but whatever. Off the top of my head, my favorite war movie is Saving Private Ryan! I'd probably bang Kathryn Bigel-ho. Avatar was a lot more entertaining than the Hurt Locker, but the Hurt Locker is obviously more relevant as far as a meaningful movie and blah blah nah I've never made a homoerotic youtube video. I don't know about those dudes being presidents, but I'd like to see how the Obama administration plays out!
